Software and Hardware Interaction

Computers depend on two main things, which are software and hardware; they both work together to let the user use and control the computer easily. Hardware is the physical component that contains many shapes, items, and parts, and everything has its function, like the motherboard, which everything on the computer depends on. In addition, the power supply powers all other components of the machine, CPU or Central Processing Unit, which performs the calculations a system needs. Also, memory which is two types, one is to store programs, and the other is to store the data that the program works on. In addition, the hard disk drive is a place to store data permanently. Input and output devices are like the printer to bring out the data, while the keyboard brings the data into the computer; it allows the users to type. For example, when we write something by using Microsoft Word program, which is one of the software types, and also by using the keyboard to type the letters in order to print it by the printer, which is a hardware component. So, we have a process in which we use many hardware components, which are the memory, the screen, the mouse, the printer and many other things that receive and send the instructions to interact with the software program that is Microsoft Word.

On the other hand, a computer totally depends on the software that manages the system and processes inside the computer, which is divided into two main types. The first type is application software that works as an assistant to the user in completing different tasks. For example, in order to make a presentation, we need an application for making presentations and videos like Microsoft PowerPoint. While the other primary type is system software which generally manages how computer hardware behaves in order to offer the basic functionalities the user requires them. For example, the operating system, which is the most important one, like Windows system, Android system, and IOS system, operates the computer. It interacts with the hardware components, which are only valueless objects if they do not interact with the software system that runs. However, it makes them use their functions and start sending and receiving instructions, information and data. The software starts working when the user operates the hardware components, and they start working and processing and producing data together. For example, the units inside the motherboard start informing the screen to receive the orders from the software system to appear the colors on the screen display. It keeps interacting together to let the user control the computer until turning off the system, the screen and the computer. In addition, computer system buses are pathways that allow various components to communicate and exchange data.

There are three main types of buses: data bus, control bus, and address bus. Furthermore, the data bus is responsible for carrying actual data between different components of the computer system. It is bi-directional, which means it can transmit data in both directions. While the control bus carries control signals that coordinate and synchronize the activities of various components, timing signals, and status signals, it is also responsible for specific activities like initiating data transfers, indicating write or read operations and signaling the completion of operations. Moreover, an address bus is a unidirectional bus that carries memory addresses. The CPU uses it to specify the location in memory where data is to be read from or written to. Finally, the system buses essential components of a computer system that enable communication and data transfer between the CPU, memory, and other peripherals.

To conclude, both the hardware and software interact with the computer system, which cannot be used without each of them; we need the hardware to use the software. This process is like the human body, which cannot work without blood and Oxygen; the computer also cannot work without both the hardware and the software.


