Embedded Systems

The Embedded system is a complete system with a built-in computer to control a specific thing or perform a particular task. In addition, we see many examples of Embedded systems daily, like ACs, Washing Machines, Modern Cars, Smartphones, Tables, and Wearable, etc…

Computer vs Embedded System

Before we dig into Embedded Systems, we must first understand the difference between Computers and Embedded Systems.

Computer Embedded System
A machine that can run a wide range of apps while the end user can control running apps.A system that can run for only specific tasks while the user ‘usually’ has no control over what is running.


Why don’t we use Electronics instead of Embedded systems? Let’s say, for example, we want to make a door with a hidden lamp that turns on whenever someone is close to it and turns off whenever this person stays away from it; someone will say we can make this by Lm741, Aguilar, and all the other Electronics components and work on this project entirely hardware. While someone else will say, we can bring a specific controller and program it and set instructions like ‘If the sensor behind the door sent you a signal, turn the lamp on or off!’.. well, they are both right! But remember, here we are dealing with Software, not Electronics.

Moreover, the main advantage of using a Microcontroller on Electronics and Hardware is that the Microcontroller makes the program’s functionality determined by the software and also with high speed and low cost.

Types of Embedded Systems

There are two main types of Embedded Systems, and they both have a specific architecture.

Simple Embedded systems (SES)

Simple Embedded Systems are systems with essential functions, limited resources, processing power, and memory capacity. Often based on Microcontrollers or low-end processors. Furthermore, it is used for simple real-time control tasks and running a single program loop that keeps functioning in the same way over and over, like:

  1. ACs
  2. Washing Machines
  3. TV Remote Controls
Complex Embedded Systems (CES)

Complex Embedded Systems are systems with advanced capabilities and significant resources; it has considerable processing power, including multi-core processors or specialized hardware accelerators. In addition, it is used for complex real-time applications such as robotics. It also has a considerable software complexity compared to Simple Embedded Systems because it uses a complex software stack and RTOS. There are many types of Complex Embedded Systems like:

  1. Smartphones
  2. Tablets
  3. Wearables

In conclusion, embedded systems play a pivotal role in our technologically driven world, providing efficient and precise control over a wide range of applications. Understanding the distinctions between regular computers and embedded systems, along with the advantages they offer, can help us appreciate their significance in our daily lives.

