Navigating Bandit Section

By following the instructions provided below, we will easily access the Bandit page and begin exploring the challenges that await you. As we progress through the levels, remember that each challenge is an opportunity to expand our knowledge and skills in a guided and supportive environment.

How to Access Bandit

As shown in the figure below, you can easily navigate to the Bandit levels by clicking “(Bandit)” from the list on the left side of the page.

This straightforward action will direct you to the Bandit page, where all the levels are conveniently listed on the left side.


Upon accessing the Bandit page, you will find all the levels neatly listed on the left side. These levels represent various challenges we will encounter and solve as we progress through the Bandit game. Each level presents unique tasks and puzzles designed to enhance our Linux command line skills and deepen our understanding of cybersecurity concepts. As we progress through the levels, the challenges become more intricate and demanding, providing us with increasingly tricky machines to overcome.

These levels serve as milestones in our journey to mastering Linux and cybersecurity. As we navigate through them, we will gain valuable experience and knowledge that will prepare us for more advanced challenges in the future.

Now that we have set up our OverTheWire page, we are ready to embark on our first challenge! Click here to begin our first challenge.

